welcome to the yahuwah.name README page how to points --------------- fonts the paleo mesha font is used in the twrh.txt however other hebrew fonts will work, if ezra style fonts are in your fonts path, if you cant get hebrew paleo mesha fonts, then ezra or isaiah fonts are ok, however to get the effect of reading twrh as moses yoshua samual david and soloman did then paleo mesha fonts are needed. have your editor look at your fonts path set your font path to paleo mesha hebrew. the paleo hebrew gezer fonts are like paleo mesha. editor functions vary among the various editors(search engines) the search engine twrh example's using vi vim or gvim editors. vi, vim, or gvim works for our purpose here, and can be downloaded for your modern devices. install vi vim or gvim compile with RIGHTLEFT support (read vim install docs) (also read -> $man vim the -H option from the man vim doc. -H If Vim has been compiled with RIGHTLEFT support for editing right-to-left oriented files and Hebrew keyboard mapping, this option starts Vim in Hebrew mode, i.e. 'hkmap' and 'rightleft' are set. ok next using the vi, vim, or gvim editor with the free hebrew twrh, (twrh = the first 5 scrolls in the hebrew scripture's "the great twrh scroll"), that you can freely download from http://www.yahyhwh.name or http://www.yahuwah.name e.g http://www.yahuwah.name save download to file extract the twrh.zip, then open the twrh.txt with your editor we use vi vim and gvim herein. use the following path in your favorite xterminal in the directory you extracted the twrh.txt file to if your useing vi -> vi -H -R twrh.txt or vim -> vim -H -R twrh.txt or gvim -> gvim -H -R twrh.txt note the -H -R option the -H engages hebrew right-to-left functions, and the -R restricts editor to read only, allowing search functions only. note: that there are no spaces, chapters, verses, puntuation marks, vowel points, etc twrh.txt is only 1 string, = 304805 charactures. you can use the default wrap text, or truncate into 1 line, this is preferred for search precision. to truncate text to nowrap with the vi vim gvim editor use: -> the esc key then shift colon at the command prompt bottom left side you can see the -> : <- colon(the vi command prompt) next at this command prompt type-> set nowrap it should look like this -> :set nowrap this sets the twrh into one single line, rather than a grid patern to enter command mode use: -> the esc key then shift colon at the command prompt bottom left side you can see the -> : <- colon(the vi command prompt) next at this command prompt type the following :goto 161 hit the enter key this will take you to byte 161 in the buffer. byte 161 is characture number 81 in the twrh. byte 161 through byte 205 reads famously "then said Elohim let there be light and there was light". notice at the bottom of the vim screen there are 3 sets of numbers 1,161-81 the 1 tells us that we are on line 1. 161 tells us we are at byte 161. the 81 tells us that we are at characture number 81. notice these numbers change respectfully as we scale in and through the twrh.txt. the b key returns us to the beginning the first characture of twrh.txt the e key to the end the last characture of the twrh.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- examples to enter command mode use: -> the esc key then shift colon at the command prompt bottom left side you can see the -> : <- colon(the vi command prompt) next at this command prompt type the following :goto "enter your index number here" The first reference to the name of Elohim Yahuwah. characture number 1849-1852 found at byte 3697 at the command prompt type (excluding the : ) :goto 3697 twrh scrolls :goto 1 "barasheet" characture number 1 :goto 156130 "shemot" characture number 78065 :goto 283187 "wyiqra" characture number 141594 :goto 372767 "bmidbar" characture number 186384 :goto 499827 "dbarim" characture number 249914 six days of creation and the shabbat day. :goto 1 - 393 day one ehad characture number 1 - 197 :goto 394 - 689 day two seni characture number 198 - 345 :goto 691 - 1207 day three selisi characture number 346 - 604 :goto 1209 - 1803 day four rebii characture number 605 - 902 :goto 1805 - 2243 day five hamesi characture number 903 - 1122 :goto 2245 - 3341 day six hassisi characture number 1123 - 1671 :goto 3343 - 3729 day seven hassebii characture number 1672 - 1865 abraham covenant :goto 38182 through 40956 characture number 19091 yahuwah tells moses at the burning bush his name :goto 162469 through 162675 characture number 81235 yahuwah speaks to the children of yisrael at mount siani :goto 214014 through 214137 characture number 107007 shabbot :goto 250544 through 251376 characture number 125272 the holy appointments of yahuwah goto: 352294 through 357074 characture number 176147 - 178536 end of examples ==================== ----------------------------------------------------------------- search engine how to. see: vi vim gvim grep, wc, more, less, vim search how to the / (forward slash) or the ? (question mark) plus the word searchs for a specific word with the hebrew function the command promp will be on the reght side of the lower part of your screen. you can cut and paste letters of words spelling the word your searching for one characture at a time. after you spell the word your searching for hit the enter key to see the next occurrence hit the capital N (this is reverse of english where we use the lower case n to goto the next occurrence). if your looking for the second occurrence in your word search set the count before your search. For example 2/pattern will search for the second occurrence in your word search, and 2* searchs for the second occurrence in your word search. using grep to search example of grep enter the following path in terminal or a xterminal grep --color=always -i יהוה twrh.txt | more this example searchs the twrh from beginnig to end with grep for hashem the creators name: יהוה highliteing each occurance. the more option is used to page each occurrence the space bar pages from page to page the word your searching for will be highliteted, also less will work in place of more. example: to count the number of occurences of the creators name in the twrh use the following command using the grep tool kit. grep -o יהוה twrh.txt | wc -l the number of occurences of the creators name in the twrh = 1839. we can also do string searchs using the grep tool kit. search for the creators name יהוה to count the number of occurences of the string אנייהוה [ani yhwh](i'am yhwh) grep -o אנייהוה twrh.txt | wc -l the number of occurences of the string search for אנייהוה in the twrh = 81 =============================== =============================== =============================== =============================== =============================== =============================== more instructions for searching with vi vim or gvim not specific to twrh.txt ctrl shift + - enlarge font ctrl shift - - reduce the size of the font b - return to the start of document e - goto end of document n - repeat forward search N - repeat backward * - search for word currently under cursor g* - search for partial word under cursor (repeat with n) ctrl-o, ctrl-i - go through jump locations [I - show lines with matching word under Configuring vim color settings keyword highlighting This command switches on syntax highlighting: :syntax on colorscheme When searching, it is often helpful to highlight all search hits (in a program, for example, that allows you to quickly see all occurrences of a variable). This tip shows how search highlighting is controlled, and h Highlight all search pattern matchesas a method to highlight searches without moving. Contents[show] Highlighting search matchesEdit To highlight all search matches, set the following option: :set hlsearch With the defaults, setting this option causes all text matching the current search to be highlighted using the Search highlight group, which adds a yellow background to the current highlighting. See :help hl-Search, or type :hi Search to see what color you have it set to. You can easily change the default highlighting with, for example, :hi Search guibg=LightBlue. Specifying vim foreground and background colors :highlight Comment ctermbg=Blue ctermfg=White setting curser color :highlight Cursor ctermbg=Green underline your text search :highlight Search cterm=underline :highlight Search guibg=NONE guifg=NONE gui=underline orCursor :match Underlined /someword\|otherword/ :highlight BOLD cterm=bold In vi the esc key opens a command prompt -> : <-- the command prompt and forward slash sets the search mode -> :/יהוה this example searchs the twrh for the creators name strings copy and paste can be used to set a string in the command prompt. after locating your first string in the twrh text you can Vi or Vim also allows you to launch a search on the word over which your cursor is positioned. To do this, place the cursor over the term, and then press * or # to look it up. then use the -> n <- key for the next occurence. the -> shift <- key plus -> n <- key takes you to the previous occurence. movement h - move left j - move down k - move up l - move right w - jump by start of words (punctuation considered words) W - jump by words (spaces separate words) e - jump to end of words (punctuation considered words) E - jump to end of words (no punctuation) b - jump backward by words (punctuation considered words) B - jump backward by words (no punctuation) 0 - (zero) start of line ^ - first non-blank character of line $ - end of line G - Go To command (prefix with number - 5G goes to line 5) ________________